In this section there are some photos of Montefiridolfi, which can be reached from Montenisa with a little walk - approx. 300 meters.
see photos
of Montefiridolfi
the village near Montenisa
Montenisa - aka villa Manetto - is a construction dated 1934.
During the war:
link to publication about the war events, in which Montenisa is cited also (no english version avaiable at the moment)
Memorie del passsaggio del fronte a Montenisa e Montefiridolfi (sorry, only italian version avaiable):
The studio
The room is located in the third floor of the palace of Montenisa, and has been decorated and designed from Giuliano Manganello in the course of some stays to Montefiridolfi around 1977
Photogallery of 'the studio'
project and paintings
by 'Giuliano Manganello'
on third floor of Montenisa

A little more far from Montenisa is
some photos of Poggibonsi
Mercatale Val di Pesa is a village near Montefiridolfi: the distance from Montenisa is about 10 minutes by car
photos of Mercatale |
Siena is not much far from Montefiridolfi, it can be reached from Montenisa in appr. 30 minutes of highway
photos of Siena